CS234 assignment 2-3

3. Linear Approximation

1. x를 다음과 같이 정의할 때, ^q(s, a, w) = wTx(s, a)를 만족한다면 section 2의 (1) 식과 (2) 식이 동일하다는 것을 증명하시오. [3점]


(수식이 너무 많아서 다 쓰긴 좀... 그냥 위에 있는거 대충 보고 합시다...)

section 2 (1)식 - tabular
section 2 (2)식 - approximation



어차피 x(s, a)ₛ',ₐ' 가 0이 되면 w가 뭐든간에 ^q은 0이 되니까,

x(s, a)ₛ,ₐ = 1인 경우를 (2)번 식에 적용하면,

wₛ,ₐ= wₛ,ₐ + α(r + 𝛾max wₛ,ₐ - wₛ,ₐ)∇wₛ,ₐ wₛ, 

(수식 ㅂㄷㅂㄷ;;; 대충 뭔뜻인지 이해하셨으면 좋겠는데... 그냥 ^q를 w로 바꾸고, w도 wₛ,ₐ로 바꾼 식...)


이 때, ∇wₛ,ₐ wₛ, = 1이므로 다시 정리하면

wₛ,ₐ= wₛ,ₐ + α(r + 𝛾max wₛ',ₐ' - wₛ,ₐ)

그리고 이를 다시 Q(s, a)로 정리하면 (1)번 식이 나온다.


2. qˆ(s, a, w) = wT x(s, a)이라고 할 때, value function parameter w ∈ Rⁿ에 대한 미분값을 구하고, w의 update rule을 적으시오. [3점]


sol) q^(s, a, w) = wTx(s, a)라고 했으므로,

∇w q^(s, a, w) = ∇w wTx(s, a) = x(s, a) 이다.


그리고 update rule은 아까 section 2 의 (2)번 식에 따라,

w = w + α(r + 𝛾max a0∈A qˆ(s 0 , a0 , w) − qˆ(s, a, w) )x(s, a)

가 된다. (그냥 뒤에 ∇w q^(s, a, w) 부분을 x(s,a)로 바꿈)



3. [코딩] 이제 tensorflow로 linear approximation을 구현할 것이다. 이 문제는 나머지 assignment 문제를 풀기 위한 pipeline을 작성하게 할 것이다. q2linear.py의 함수 중 다음의 함수를 구현할 것이다(q2linear.py를 읽어보라) :

• add_placeholders_op

• get_q_values_op

• add_update_target_op

• add_loss_op

• add_optimizer_op

작성한 코드를 python q2 linear.py 명령어를 사용해서 CPU에서 돌려보아라. 그러면 test environment에서 linear approximation을 실행시킬 것이다. 실행하는데 대략 1분에서 2분 정도 걸릴 것이다.


class Linear(DQN):
    Implement Fully Connected with Tensorflow

    def add_placeholders_op(self):
        Adds placeholders to the graph

        These placeholders are used as inputs to the rest of the model and will be fed
        data during training.
        # this information might be useful
        state_shape = list(self.env.observation_space.shape)
            Add placeholders:
            Remember that we stack 4 consecutive frames together.
                - self.s: batch of states, type = uint8
                    shape = (batch_size, img height, img width, nchannels x config.state_history)
                - self.a: batch of actions, type = int32
                    shape = (batch_size)
                - self.r: batch of rewards, type = float32
                    shape = (batch_size)
                - self.sp: batch of next states, type = uint8
                    shape = (batch_size, img height, img width, nchannels x config.state_history)
                - self.done_mask: batch of done, type = bool
                    shape = (batch_size)
                - self.lr: learning rate, type = float32
        (Don't change the variable names!)
            Variables from config are accessible with self.config.variable_name.
            Check the use of None in the dimension for tensorflow placeholders.
            You can also use the state_shape computed above.
        ################YOUR CODE HERE (6-15 lines) ##################
        batch_size = 5
        img_height = state_shape[0]
        img_width = state_shape[1]
        n_channels = state_shape[2]
        self.s = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8,
                                shape=[None, img_height, img_width, n_channels * config.state_history],
        self.a = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name='action')
        self.r = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None], name='reward')
        self.sp = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8,
                                 shape=[None, img_height, img_width, n_channels * config.state_history],
        self.done_mask = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=[None], name='done_mask')
        self.lr = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(), name='lr')

        ######################## END YOUR CODE #######################

    def get_q_values_op(self, state, scope, reuse=False):
        Returns Q values for all actions

            state: (tf tensor)
                shape = (batch_size, img height, img width, nchannels x config.state_history)
            scope: (string) scope name, that specifies if target network or not
            reuse: (bool) reuse of variables in the scope

            out: (tf tensor) of shape = (batch_size, num_actions)
        # this information might be useful
        num_actions = self.env.action_space.n

            Implement a fully connected with no hidden layer (linear
            approximation with bias) using tensorflow.

            - You may find the following functions useful:
                - tf.layers.flatten
                - tf.layers.dense

            - Make sure to also specify the scope and reuse
        ################ YOUR CODE HERE - 2-3 lines ##################

        input = tf.layers.flatten(state, name=scope)
        out = tf.layers.dense(input, num_actions, name=scope, reuse=reuse)

        ######################## END YOUR CODE #######################

        return out

    def add_update_target_op(self, q_scope, target_q_scope):
        update_target_op will be called periodically
        to copy Q network weights to target Q network

        Remember that in DQN, we maintain two identical Q networks with
        2 different sets of weights. In tensorflow, we distinguish them
        with two different scopes. If you're not familiar with the scope mechanism
        in tensorflow, read the docs

        Periodically, we need to update all the weights of the Q network
        and assign them with the values from the regular network.
            q_scope: (string) name of the scope of variables for q
            target_q_scope: (string) name of the scope of variables
                        for the target network
            Add an operator self.update_target_op that for each variable in
            tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES that is in q_scope, assigns its
            value to the corresponding variable in target_q_scope

            You may find the following functions useful:
                - tf.get_collection
                - tf.assign
                - tf.group (the * operator can be used to unpack a list)

        (be sure that you set self.update_target_op)
        ################### YOUR CODE HERE - 5-10 lines #############

        q = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=q_scope)
        target_q = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=target_q_scope)

        assign = [tf.assign(target_q[i], q[i]) for i in range(len(q))]
        self.update_target_op = tf.group(*assign)


        ######################## END YOUR CODE #######################

    def add_loss_op(self, q, target_q):
        Sets the loss of a batch, self.loss is a scalar

            q: (tf tensor) shape = (batch_size, num_actions)
            target_q: (tf tensor) shape = (batch_size, num_actions)
        # you may need this variable
        num_actions = self.env.action_space.n
            The loss for an example is defined as:
                Q_samp(s) = r if done
                          = r + gamma * max_a' Q_target(s', a')
                loss = (Q_samp(s) - Q(s, a))^2 
            - Config variables are accessible through self.config
            - You can access placeholders like self.a (for actions)
                self.r (rewards) or self.done_mask for instance
            - You may find the following functions useful
                - tf.cast
                - tf.reduce_max
                - tf.reduce_sum
                - tf.one_hot
                - tf.squared_difference
                - tf.reduce_mean
        ##################### YOUR CODE HERE - 4-5 lines #############

        notdone = 1 - tf.cast(self.done_mask, tf.float32)
        action = tf.one_hot(self.a, num_actions)
        q_samp = self.r + notdone * (self.config.gamma * tf.reduce_max(target_q, axis=1))
        q_s = tf.reduce_sum(q * action, axis=1)
        self.loss = tf.reduce_mean((q_samp - q_s)**2)
        # self.loss = tf.squared_difference(q_samp, q_s)

        ######################## END YOUR CODE #######################

    def add_optimizer_op(self, scope):
        Set self.train_op and self.grad_norm
            scope: (string) scope name, that specifies if target network or not

            1. get Adam Optimizer
            2. compute grads with respect to variables in scope for self.loss
            3. if self.config.grad_clip is True, then clip the grads
                by norm using self.config.clip_val 
            4. apply the gradients and store the train op in self.train_op
                (sess.run(train_op) must update the variables)
            5. compute the global norm of the gradients (which are not None) and store 
                this scalar in self.grad_norm

        HINT: you may find the following functions useful
            - tf.get_collection
            - optimizer.compute_gradients
            - tf.clip_by_norm
            - optimizer.apply_gradients
            - tf.global_norm
             you can access config variables by writing self.config.variable_name
        #################### YOUR CODE HERE - 8-12 lines #############

        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.lr)
        variable = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=scope)
        gradient = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss, variable)
        if self.config.grad_clip is True:
            clip_grad = [(tf.clip_by_norm(i[0], self.config.clip_val), i[1]) for i in gradient]
        self.train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(clip_grad)

        self.grad_norm = tf.global_norm([i[0] for i in clip_grad])

        ######################## END YOUR CODE #######################

그냥 Linear class 전부 올리겠습니다. 어차피 저거 처음부터 끝까지 다 짜야되는거라;

파이썬 사용법에 그렇게 익숙치 않고, 텐서플로우를 잘 사용하지 않다 보니까 이것저것 다 찾아보며 하느라 힘들었네요.




4. test environment에서 얻을 수 있는 최적의 reward를 얻었는가? results/q2 linear에 있는 scores.png 파일을 첨부하여라. [5점]


sol...?) section 1에서 봤던 최적의 reward 4.1이 나오는 모습이다.



앞으로 얼마 안남았다.. 달려봅시다!

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